Our infant program is individualized to every need. All infants are fed, changed, and nap on their own individual schedule. Teachers track daily feedings, diaper changes, and naps on our daily reports. Infant teachers further individualize care by practicing the primary caregiver system. Each teacher cares for a small group of children to provide a safe and secure environment.
We believe that children need to feel safe and secure before they can begin to learn. We have a curriculum in our centers that believes the same, it is a comprehensive curriculum. Our curriculum is based on prominent theory and research, and serves as the basis for our classroom schedules, assessment, and lesson planning.
Throughout the day our infants are introduced to a variety of experiences. We offer sensory/cooking experiences, literature, music, dramatic play, art and outside opportunities as part of our daily program. Our teachers plan weekly experiences based on a monthly theme, children’s interest, and assessments conducted in the classroom.

Our teachers practice intentional teaching by providing experiences that are developmentally appropriate and engaging. All of our teachers provide experiences that reflect the Ohio’s Infant and Toddler Guidelines.
Jelly Bean Junction feels that it is important to assess each child on a regular basis in order to keep building knowledge. One way we assess our children is to observe each child weekly and record our observations. We also do an assessment for children who are enrolling in our centers. This assessment is known as the ASQ. The ASQ is a parent questionnaire. Parents complete the questionnaire and return it to the center. We then use the information gathered from the questionnaire and weekly observations to plan developmentally appropriate experiences for every child in our center.
Sign language is an important part of our infant curriculum. We teach our infants sign language because we feel it is important to communicate with them. Sign language also reduces the amount of frustration a child might feel during this period of time while they are increasing their language skills. We teach different signs throughout the day while we are using the corresponding words. Teachers share these signs with parents so they can be a part of this learning process with their child.

Our toddler program is specially designed with exploration and growth in mind. Toddlers spend the majority of their day busily exploring a carefully planned environment. Our caring and responsive teachers understand that toddlers want to be independent as well as emotionally supported in their daily activities.
Jelly Bean Junction Toddler classrooms follow a comprehensive curriculum to plan experiences and environmental changes based on the children’s interests and developing skills. Teachers support toddlers throughout daily routines. Many teaching opportunities arise during everyday toddler events. Arrivals, departures, toilet training, mealtime experiences, nap time, and dressing are guided
with positive praise.
Teachers plan daily experiences that create a love of learning and exploration. Activities include playing with carefully selected toys and equipment. Teachers provide many opportunities for children to imitate and pretend with many familiar props. Children enjoy daily literature experiences. Art, Music, and Movement are explored without restriction in order to foster the maximum amounts of creativity. Exploration also allows children to work within their own comfort levels. Cooking and sensory play are provided to create a base for pre math and pre reading skills. Toddlers enjoy a variety of active play both inside and outdoors.

Our preschool program is specifically designed to meet the developmental needs of children from the ages of 3-5. Preschool children learn best when they are active. Preschool children are curious about the world around them so we encourage them to explore and observe their environment. Our teachers guide the children in meaningful play experiences that help them flourish in all areas of development.
Jelly Bean Junction preschool classrooms follow a comprehensive curriculum to plan developmentally appropriate experiences for the children. Teachers develop lesson plans based on the interests and curiosities of children in the classrooms. We also incorporate the Ohio Early Learning Content Standards and the Developmental Continuum from our curriculum to ensure the practice of developmentally appropriate experiences. Teachers guide children’s learning by using open ended questions, investigations, observations, and positive praise.

Teachers foster learning by providing daily experiences that motivate the children to learn and investigate. Materials are carefully selected to further guide and motivate children to learn. Children are encouraged to make their own choices about the different experiences they engage in throughout the day. By giving children the power to make choices we are promoting independence and allowing children to work in their comfort zones.
Children are given the opportunity to participate in large group, small group, choice time experiences, and outdoor play daily. During choice time children are exposed to different learning areas: blocks, dramatic play, math, science and discovery, music and movement, library, and writing. The learning areas offer many different opportunities for children to learn through play. Environmental changes are made weekly to the different learning areas in order to guide children’s learning.

School Age
Our school-age program is designed to extend children's learning. The school-age classroom is comprised of 4 main areas: Snack Attack Area, Media Play Area, Homework Hangout, and Creation Station.
School-age students to have a nutritious snack and drink upon arriving from school. Jelly Bean Junction will provide a snack each day.
Homework Hangout: Children will have the opportunity to work on homework in this area Teachers will be available to ask questions and assist the children when needed. We will also include a variety of reading materials in this area. Children will have the opportunity to fulfill their reading requirement before going home.
Creation Station: This area will allow students to utilize everyday materials in a different way to create unique products. Children will have access to art supplies, manipulatives, dramatic play materials, science materials, musical instruments, and block materials. Teachers will plan activities monthly and provide the children with the materials and instructions they need for successful completion of their projects.

School kids enrolled in Kindergarten to 10 years old.
June - August (dates vary by location)
There is a School-age tuition rate which must be paid weekly plus a one time summer activity fee for the summer program. The fee will cover a summer camp shirt and all activities during the program.

The children will have at least 2-3 activities per week. The activities include field trips as well as special guest or activities which come to the centers. It is a wonderful experience. A few examples of the fun and educational activities are:​

Petting zoo
Reptile man
Ice cream man
Magic show
Jumpy house
Chef academy
Strawberry picking
Laser tag
Roller Skating
Science Lab
...and so much more
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